Join us at the Award Ceremony!
More than 50 scientists from 20 different countries have submitted a press release to the contest. The expert jury had a hard time selecting the five best press releases, but now the winners are known!
The winners of the Media Writing Contest with their submissions are:
- Maria Figueiredo-Pereira from the Hunter College of Cuny, USA.
- Carrie-Lynn Keiski from the University of Toronto, Canada.
- Oran Erster from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
- Christiane Fuchs from the MFPL, Austria.
- Stefanie Loeser from the IMBA, Austria.
Come and get to know the winners and the winning topics at the Award Ceremony, which will take place on Monday, 9th July from 14:00 to 15:30 p.m. in the lecture hall ‘Schubert 1-3’ during the workshop “Communicating Science”. The winners will be awarded attractive cash prizes: 1st prize: 1500 Euro, 2nd prize: 1000 Euro and 3rd prize: 500 Euro.
The top five texts will be published as original press releases via APA-OTS (Austrian Press Agency – Original Text Service).
Not only the winning texts but all submissions have been ranked by the expert jury. Participants will be able to get feedback and information about their evaluation at the dialog<>gentechnik/APA-OTS congress stand in the exhibitor hall.
Thanks to all participants of the media writing contest 2007!
General Information
FEBS2007 organizes with the support and collaboration of the EMBO Small Grants Scheme for Science & Society initiatives, APA-OTS, and dialog<>gentechnik an international media writing contest among congress participants.
The contest supports the dialogue between science and society. “Publish or perish” – the unwritten law among the scientific community – doesn’t only refer to publications in scientific journals. A broader presence in the mass media has become an increasingly important success factor, also in life science. Therefore the media writing contest is designed for scientists to practice communication with the media and to promote their scientific research among the lay audience.